How we procure goods, services and works

How we procure goods and services

To achieve the best procurement outcomes, the ACT Government conducts procurement processes that are open, transparent, and guided by core values. Goods and services are procured in accordance with the ACT Government's legislation and policies, known as the ACT Government Procurement Framework (Procurement Framework).

The Territory has a responsibility to ensure value for money and the best procurement outcomes are pursued. Comprehending this Procurement Framework is beneficial for those intending to supply goods or services to the ACT Government.

Our procurement framework

The ACT Government Procurement Framework is the hierarchy of whole of government procurement related legislation, statutory instruments, policies, guidance, factsheets, tools, templates, and systems that support the Territory to undertake procurement. The Procurement Framework identifies the requirements that apply to all procurements and provides tools to support compliance and better practice.

When ACT Government staff undertake procurement, they will work within these governance arrangements. More information on the Procurement Framework is available on the Procurement Framework factsheet.

Value for money

ACT Government must achieve value for money in conducting its procurements. Value for money does not mean the cheapest bid, it is the best available outcome for the procurement that maximises the overall benefit to the Territory.

Our procurement values

The ACT Government is committed to implementing policies that benefit the community and enhance liveability in the Australian Capital Territory. Procurement decisions should advance the common goals we seek to achieve as a community.

The Charter of Procurement Values aims to ensure our values are reflected in the procurement decisions we make. Our Values include:

Charter of Procurement Values 2020

A procurement may ask you to demonstrate alignment to one or more Procurement Values identified by the Government Buyer team. Demonstrating how your business will perform against the Procurement Values will strengthen your bid and support the ACT Government’s determination that your bid represents the best value for money. More information on our values-led procurement is available on the Charter of Procurement Values document.