The Code applies to businesses undertaking works of any value for construction, cleaning, security, traffic management and services:
- Construction work is defined in the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, section 289. Safe Work Australia’s Construction Work Code of Practice Section 1 and Appendix B includes more information on the definition of construction work.
- Cleaning work defined in ANZSIC Class 7311.
- Traffic management means services which redirect vehicles around a temporary disruption to a public road for the purpose of ensuring safety to workers or the public.
- Security work means services by a person who carries on a security activity within the meaning of the Security Industry 15 Act 2003, section 7.
Additionally, the Code also applies to procurements equal to or greater than $200,000 for services or works (other than those listed as excluded services or works), where labour is the highest cost to the ACT Government. Excluded services or works can be found in the Government Procurement Regulation 2007, part 4, section 12AB.
A business is a person or entity trading under an ABN including sole traders, partnerships, trusts and companies.
You will need a Code Certificate before you quote and for the duration of the project. A Code Certificate confirms your business meets the standards in the Secure Local Jobs Code. If you don’t have a Code Certificate, we cannot accept your tender or quote.
You will also require to complete a Labour Relations, Training and Workplace Equity Plan in consultation with your employees for cleaning, security or traffic management if the value of work is equal to or greater than $25,000 and for construction work if the value of work is equal to or greater than $200,000.
Excluded services
Secure Local Jobs requirements do not apply to:
- information media and telecommunications services (ANZSIC, Division J)
- financial and insurance services (ANZSIC, Division K)
- rental, hiring and real estate services (ANZSIC, Division L)
- professional, scientific and technical services (ANZSIC, Division M)
- hospitals (ANZSIC, Subdivision 84)
- medical and other health care services (ANZSIC, Subdivision 85).
Any subcontractors you plan to use will also need a Code Certificate, unless they're an excluded service. You will need to provide details of your subcontractors to us and ensure they comply with the Code throughout the project. Your subcontractors won’t need to complete Labour Relations, Training and Workplace Equity Plan.
Your contact person
If you win a contract with us, you need to provide us with some contact information before you start to help facilitate lawful right of entry in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and Work Health and Safety Act 2011. You can update these details within 14 days of any changes to this information.
Services the Code covers
The Code applies to construction, cleaning, security, traffic management and services equal to or greater than $200,000 as described below:
- Construction work is defined in the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, section 289. Safe Work Australia’s Construction Work Code of Practice Section 1 and Appendix B includes more information on the definition of construction work.
- Cleaning work defined in ANZSIC Class 7311.
- Traffic management means services which redirect vehicles around a temporary disruption to a public road for the purpose of ensuring safety to workers or the public.
- Security work means services by a person who carries on a security activity within the meaning of the Security Industry 15 Act 2003, section 7.
- Any other services equal to or greater than $200,000 not listed as an excluded service.
A business is a person or entity trading under an ABN including sole traders, partnerships, trusts and companies.
Updating your systems and policies
To apply for a Code Certificate you need to update your policies and systems to reflect your obligations under the Code (see Part 2 and 3 of the Code).
A business policy describes your approach or principles on a particular topic and helps guide your business plans, operations, and decisions. For example, a Workplace Induction Policy. A business system outlines the procedure or specific steps your business takes to demonstrate those policies. For example, a Workplace Induction Checklist.
If you need support, contact the Secure Local Jobs team.