This statement applies to the Procurement ACT website ( and includes the collection, use, security of and access to information that may be obtained through the use of this website.
This website is managed by Procurement ACT.
Each user of this website waives and releases the Territory to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of material or information made available through the website. Subject to any terms implied by law which cannot be excluded, in no event shall the Territory be liable for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from use of the material or reliance on the information.
While care has been taken to ensure that information contained in the Territory’s publications is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information. The Territory gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy or reliability of any information or advice contained on the website, or that it is suitable for your intended use.
The Territory webserver provides links to external internet sites. These external websites are outside the Territory’s control. It is the responsibility of internet users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information found. While care is taken to provide links to suitable material from the Territory’s website, the nature of the internet prevents the Territory from guaranteeing the suitability, completeness or accuracy of any material that this site may be linked to.
The listing of a person or company on any part of this website does not imply any form of endorsement by the Territory of the goods, services and/or works provided by that person or company. Those wishing to engage any listed providers should rely upon their own enquiries as relevant to their needs.
The Territory’s materials published on the internet are protected by copyright law. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth), no part may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever.
You may download, store in cache, display, print and copy the Data in an unaltered form only, for non-commercial purposes, provided that this notice appears with all copies. You may not re-transmit, distribute, or commercialise the Data without prior permission of the Territory. Requests for such permission should be addressed to:
Phone: +61 2 6207 7377
Fax: +61 2 6205 3909
Postal Address: PO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601.
Physical Address: Level 2, 153 Nature Conservation House cnr Emu Bank &, Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617.
No part of this Data may be used except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. In particular, the user agrees:
- to acknowledge the source of any selected part of the website and/or Data reproduced;
- to include this copyright notice and disclaimer in any copy made;
- not to make a charge for providing the Data to another person without the prior written consent of Procurement and Capital Works, representing the Territory, and payment of an agreed copyright fee; and
- not to modify the Data without the prior written permission of Infrastructure Finance and Capital Works, representing the Territory.
In relation to the Data, the Territory disclaims all and any guarantees, undertakings and warranties, express or implied, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, including incidental or consequential loss or damage, arising out of, or in connection with, any use of or reliance on the Data on this website.
While the Data is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes to circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the Data. The Data may change without notice and the Territory is not liable for the accuracy of any information printed or stored by a user. Changes may be made to the Data and the website at any time and from time to time.
Personal Information
Personal information is defined as information about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained by the information.
No personal information is collected automatically through this site. All personal information collected and/or stored must be voluntarily provided by you, eg. through online forms and email for specific service delivery purposes.
Personal information about you will only be collected when you voluntarily participate in an activity that asks for information, such as:
- sending an enquiry or feedback;
- participating in a survey;
- registering to download an ACT Government tender or business opportunity;
- registering to be notified of future ACT Government tenders and business opportunities; and
- registering to become a prequalified supplier.
If you choose not to provide personal information when completing one or more of these activities, you may not be able to complete that activity. If you choose not to participate in these activities, your choice will in no way affect your ability to browse this website.
You may recommend changes to your personal information that you believe to be incorrect. The obligation to correct information is subject to any applicable limitation in a law that provides a right to require the collection or amendment of documents.
It is in the interest of users to register their details correctly, particularly relating to the Tender Download and Tender Notification facilities. These registered details are often used in notifying potential tenderers of any extension to the tender period, changes to the tender process, the issuing of addenda and/or notifying registered suppliers of new and current tenders / business opportunities.
The Territory will treat any information provided by a user within the terms of its relevant privacy responsibilities.
The Territory maintains appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personally identifiable information submitted to this site and periodically reviews and updates security measures in line with current technology.
Use of Information
Non-personally identifiable website traffic data is analysed to improve our services.
The Territory will only use your personal information for the purposes for which you gave it to us. The Territory does not share information about you with other government agencies or other organisations, such as financial institutions, contractors or service providers, without your permission, unless it:
- is necessary to provide you with a service that you have requested;
- is required or authorised by law;
- is reasonably necessary for law enforcement in certain situations and for the protection of public revenue; or
- will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s health.
If you believe that your personal information is being used for a purpose other than what was intended when submitted, you may contact us via the details listed below. In all cases, the Territory will take reasonable steps to verify your identity prior to granting access to your personal information or making corrections to the information collected.
The Australian Capital Territory is bound by the Information Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth).
Contact Infrastructure Finance and Capital Works
If you have any comment in relation to any aspect of the collection, use, security of or access to your personal information, please write to us at:
Phone: +61 2 6207 7377
Postal Address: Procurement and Capital Works, PO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601.
Physical Address: 153 Nature Conservation House cnr Emu Bank &, Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617.